Felt Your Dream! Prefelt Class with Nomadic Design

In Kyrgyzstan, when a daughter got married, her mother felted her a rug. Using their ancient
symbols she felted her best wishes and good luck into the rug that stayed with her daughter for
the rest of her life. As people of nomadic tribes in Kyrgyzstan felted their dreams and wishes in rugs, hoping they'll come true, we'll use my pre-felt inlay technique to make our own pillow pads/rugs holding our dreams.
Come and join us for a two day workshop and learn
- about the traditional symbols of the rugs
- how to plan a powerful design
- how to make your own prefelt with color transitions
- how to turn the soft prefelt into a strong and durable pillow
- some tricks of the trade that make the felting process easier and the patterns safer,
and get rewarded with beautiful pieces you complete by the end of the class!
Class length:
Prefelt Pillow pads: 2x6 hours
Prefelt Rugs 4x6 hours